Sunday: 09:45 AM - 12:00 PM


Care Ministry

Care Ministry

“There’s a broken heart on every pew.”- Cecil Randall

We all have defining moments in our lives. At Shalom, Care Ministry offers support for those who have encountered hard times and difficult circumstances. This ministry is focused on Jesus’ words found in Matthew 25:40. We believe that the God of the Bible is love, He cares for all people and He responds to the cry of the humanity.

Regardless of your circumstances, we will listen, empathize, encourage, pray, provide confidential care and support by manifesting the love of Christ by being God’s “heart and hands”. We lead by example of service through our motto, “Not to be served but to serve”.
Shalom Care Ministry renders diverse care for the church and community in areas like:

Hospitality Ministry– develop and maintain ministries that welcome and support visitors of Shalom Church especially on Sunday mornings to make them feel at home.

Visitation Ministry– visit people dealing with health issues or chronic ailments in hospitals, nursing homes, respective houses and other centers to offer prayer, presence, and hope during difficult times.

Benevolent Ministry– provide necessary assistance for people experiencing transitions such as new immigrants and international students for their settlement, families facing emergency situations etc.

Bereavement Ministry– provide avenues to comfort, come alongside, encourage and promote healing when someone has lost a loved one.

To know more about Care ministries, email us at:

we invite you to join us in our lively, Spirit-led services and truly experience Jesus.

Worship Location

Shalom Chrurch
285 Attwell Drive Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H7

+1 4375224421

Office Address

Shalom Chrurch
20 Valecrest Court Caledon Ontario Canada L7C 1C2

+1 4375224421