Sunday: 09:45 AM - 12:00 PM
At Shalom, we believe that Mission & Evangelism are at the heart of the Bible’s message. We understand the core purpose of the church is to spread the gospel. We uphold this great commission along with the great commandment, “Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself”.
Every member of Shalom Church is a missionary. We consider this, not a choice but a commandment from Jesus Christ. The mission is not just what we do but living each day as Jesus did, to touch people’s lives. We strive to spread God’s love by sharing our life with all those who interact with us in our day to day life. This sharing includes our time, talent and treasure to provide care to the needy around us and to impact their lives.
Shalom does various activities to spread the gospel and God’s love in our neighborhood. This includes outreach ministries, tract distributions, personal evangelism and community support programs such as shelter visits, volunteering, support local food banks etc.
We invite you to take part in our efforts to support the growth of the universal church.
To know more about Mission & Evangelism, email us at: